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3 min read

5 Tips for Successful Virtual Events

By Nextech3D.ai on Apr 16, 2020 9:14:46 AM

Companies are faced with high barriers when trying to introduce audiences to a new platform or product. While investing copious amounts of time and money in their product, they are challenged by audiences used to a lot of interactivity and immediate rewards, limited attention spans, and regular distractions including mobile notifications, and much more.

Given the situation of the current global pandemic where a person’s interactivity is limited, virtual events are a strong contender to attract audiences and showcase both the complexity and simplicity of physical products. As almost all companies worldwide are working from home, the ability to attract a global audience remotely is now a major priority. Companies are finding that this method maximizes their ROI to potential clients and attracts users to understanding the benefits of their products.

Topics: Augmented Reality Blog Events Virtual Conference virtual events
5 min read

How To Switch To Virtual Events?

By Nextech3D.ai on Mar 25, 2020 3:59:53 PM

Not one industry could have anticipated the disruption that COVID-19 currently presents; It is reasonable to assume that sooner or later an event of some kind would present an obstacle to any professional industry. This disruption challenges professionals to rethink how information is shared and conveyed to current and future learners and clients. Various platforms for engagement include events, conferences, trade shows, and training, but how do we cater to an audience who cannot all connect in one geographic region? 

Topics: Blog Events virtual events Virtual Trade Show