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2 min read

Benefits of 3D Models in E-commerce: A New Dimension in Online Retail

By Nextech3D.ai on Feb 16, 2024 10:52:07 AM

In a marketplace where consumer expectations are at an all-time high, Nextech3D.ai stands at the forefront of e-commerce innovation. Our strategic alliance with industry giants like Amazon underlines the growing importance of 3D visualization in retail. This innovative approach goes beyond traditional e-commerce practices, providing a rich, interactive experience for customers and a suite of competitive advantages for brands.

A Realistic Preview: Elevating the Online Shopping Experience

Our 3D models are not just images; they are virtual embodiments of products. They offer customers an in-depth preview, enabling them to interact with products as they would in a physical store. This level of detail fosters confidence and satisfaction in the shopping experience, leading to a more informed purchase decision. When customers can almost feel the texture and see the craftsmanship through their screens, the gap between virtual and reality narrows, significantly enhancing their purchasing journey.

Topics: 3D Models AI in eCommerce 3d design technology
8 min read

Simplifying 3D Designing - Toggle3D.ai

By Nextech3D.ai on Sep 13, 2023 4:22:27 PM

Until the advent of Toggle3D, 3D designing has always been a skill to be learned. Companies have had to assemble entire teams for 3D designing – which involves the complicated tasks of 3D texturing and converting their files into web-friendly formats. However, by tapping into the immense potential of cutting-edge AI technology, Toggle3D.ai has developed and launched a 3D design studio - Toggle3D. This innovative SaaS product makes the whole process easy enough for teams, skilled individuals, and anyone with no prior 3D design training to pull off 3D designing like a pro!

Topics: Toggle 3D 3d product design 3d design technology 3d design software 3d designer