Export Exhibitors

Organize all the data contained within the exhibitors list into a .csv file that you can open in any spreadsheet program. Do this using Preset Exports or Custom Exports.


Path: Exhibitors > Exhibitor Tools > Export Exhibitors



Preset Exports

There are three separate preset exports you can generate with one click:

    • Exhibitor Record Data� Download all Exhibitor record data in .csv data format.
    • Exhibitor Logos� Download all Exhibitor logo files as a single, compressed file.
    • Personnel Export� Download all Exhibitor personnel records in .csv data format.

Custom Exports

Create a custom export with many different modules you can select for your spreadsheet. 


  1. Click the blue Create a custom report.
  2. Select the fields you would like included in the spreadsheet.
  3. Arrange the spreadsheet columns.
  4. Name and then save your custom export. 


  • You can access the custom reports you create below where you see the option to Create a custom report.
  • When creating a custom report, you can choose from three different fields: Exhibitor fields, booth fields, and personnel fields.
  • For a list of current booth assignments, be sure to use the exhibitors export.
  • The exhibitor export does not include much information that an order export would.