All using the Map Editor!
Path: Dashboard > Map Editor
Add a booth
For details on how to add a booth to the map using the map editor, click here.
Delete a booth
- Click on a booth in the map
Press the "Delete" or "Backspace" key on your keyboard
Move a booth
- Click the booth you want to move
- Then, either move the booth with your mouse, or, for finer control, on the keyboard, press:
a. Arrow key = moves booth 6 scale inches
b. Shift + Arrow key = moves booth 1 scale foot
c. Shift + Cmd/Ctrl + Arrow key = moves booth 5 scale feet
Split a booth
- Click to select an existing booth, or click to add a booth to the map
- Click on the booth you wish to split. Now, click under "Split", and enter values for number of columns and rows, and then click "Split Booth"
Create a row/column of booths
1. Add a booth, then update its dimensions to make one long booth that's the length of your row/column, and can be split into the number and size of booths you need.
As a practice example, you can try creating an 80x20 column that can be split into 4 20x20 booths.
2. Move your row into position on your map.
3. Finally, click to select the long booth, and split the rows/columns for the number of booths you need!