Export order reports


The Orders Export allows you to create spreadsheets from the data in the Order Manager. 

You have a few options when it comes to exporting a spreadsheet through the Order Manager. You can customize your export and choose which Order information to include in your spreadsheet. Or you can choose from three different preset spreadsheet exports: Payments Export, Individual Services Purchased Export, or Purchased Service Totals export.


Path: Registration & Orders > Order Manager > Export Options
  • Under Registration & Orders, click Order Manager
  • Click the blue Export Options button in the top right corner.


  • Select which information you would like to be included in your spreadsheet.
  • Choose from 4 separate preset options to export payments, individual services purchased, purchased service totals, or purchased booths. 
  • Click the green download button on your preferred export.


  • The Orders Export pulls information specifically regarding orders, such as booth chosen at time of order, discount codes used, sellable services purchased, registration questions, etc.

    This is different from an Exhibitors Export, which pulls more specific exhibitor record information like websites, phone numbers, addresses, and emails.

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Close-Up: Preset Export Descriptions

A closer look at each preset Orders Export

  • Payments Export� Downloads a list of all payments made on confirmed orders and details regarding the payments including amount paid, payment processor used, order ID number, payment date, authorization code, company name and method of payment.
  • Individual Services Purchased Export� Downloads a list of all services purchased by individual exhibitors as well as the Order ID, Company that purchased the service, the specific service purchased, the item code, quantity, amount paid, and total price.
  • Purchased Services Totals� Downloads a list of the total amount of each sellable service sold as well as the item code and total cost.
  • Purchased Booths� Download a list of all booths purchased (Important: This is a list of purchased booths and may not accurately reflect current booth assignments on the map).