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  3. Discussions & Discussion Boards

Setting up Discussions


1. Fill Out Your Attendees List

The Discussions tab won't appear until you've got some Attendees who can discuss things! To build your Attendees List, you can:

Path: Attendees> Attendee Access Manager, "Create Email" button


2. Create Schedule Tracks

Schedule Tracks determine the subjects that make up your Discussions. Discussions are organized by Schedule Track even if a Schedule is not present for your event!

Path: Speakers & Schedule> Schedule Tracks, and click "Add New Record"
  • Under the "Enter Information" tab: Name, color, and list the order for your Track.
  • Under the "Access Restrictions" tab: (if desired) specify if you want this track to show in both the Schedule and Discussions tabs, and specify who has access to it.
  • Click "Save Record"!


3. Activate Discussion Boards

You can activate or de-activate the Discussion Boards entirely at any point during your show.
Path: Show Setup and Settings> Settings Control Panel> Event Home Base Setup> Tab Names & Status> Activate Discussions.


4. Specify Who Can Start Discussions

While anyone with access to an open Discussion can comment on it, only the users who've been given permission can actually  start new Discussions by creating a new Topic.
Path: Show Setup and Settings> Settings Control Panel> Event Home Base Setup> Discussion Boards. 
  • Here, you can give all Attendees, Speakers, and/or Exhibitors the ability to start Discussions!


  • If you want to limit the ability of starting Discussions to a particular person(s) on the Attendees list, you can do that by checking the box under "Discussion Host" next to an Attendee's name inside the Attendee Access Manager.
Path: Attendees> Attendees Access Manager


5. Specify Who Can Moderate Discussion

Only Discussion Admins have the ability to moderate Discussions. Discussion Admins can delete Discussions (which deletes the Discussion forever), archive Discussions (which removes them from the board but leaves them accessible to Discussion Adimins), lock Discussions (which leaves them on the board but prevents further posting), and lock participants (which locks out anyone but the current group of participants from posting to that Topic).
Path: Attendees> Attendees Access Manager
  • Check the box under "Discussions Admin" to enable a particular person(s) on the Attendees list to delete, archive, and lock Discussions


To change the name of the tab for Discussions:

Path: Show Setup and Settings > Settings Control Panel > Event Home Base Setup > Tab Names & Status> Discussions.